Benefit they're Real Mascara review
After reading all the reviews and the hype about benefits new they're Real Mascara, I did something I promised myself I would not do again, and that is dish out more
then $15 on a mascara your going to have to replace in 3 months. Who could resist the charming and alluring ads ! I know I couldn't. I love wearing false eyelashes and there was a point where I wore them everyday, but reality checked in and I don't have the time that I used to. So when I see a mascara that promise the look of false lashes, I jump on it.As soon as the package arrived , I ripped it open and followed the suggest directions on how to apply. I apply horizontally with zig zag motions to work it in. I noticed it look a lot of swipes to achieve the look of thick full lashes I like. As you can see above it gave me full and length but also a little clumping. After about 5 or more swipes I began to notice my lashes felt heavy, I do not like to feel like I have mascara on. I recommend a lash separation comb with this bad boy.If you have the money to spend and want to splurge , this is not a bad decision but I would save your money for something else, like a manicure. After final consideration I will stick to my two favorite (drugstore brand) mascaras which is Covergirl Lash blast and Covergirl Natureluxe.
Low Cost Alternatives
Covergirl Lash Blast Mascara Review
If you like the look of long thick lashes and don't want to want to dish out the big bucks, I suggest Covergirl lash Blast mascara. It delivers what it promises and it doesn't clump nor feel heavy. one to two coats is all you need and you'll be on your way!
Covergirl Natureluxe Review
If your like me then your some sort of health conscience, you want a healthy alternative for you lashes. I like that Covergirl came out with a mascara thats a bit more natural. I kind of shyed away from it at first because my asumption was natural = not good results and chemicals = great results, I can be a give me my chemical kind of girl. But after taking a closer look at the ingredients, I was sold on the fact they use beeswax instead of all those heavy alternatives. After first application I was hooked! it gave me the same results as Benefit they're Real mascara and Lash Blast without all the chemicals. I mostly wear this on a daily basis.....So if your health conscience, have sensitive eyes , don't like heavy , clumping mascara but like the look of a designer mascara , then this is a winner!